Grove of Anaheim is committed to compliance with the ADA and will ensure that it offers compliant access to guests with disabilities. Guests with disabilities will not be discriminated against in any program or activity conducted at Grove of Anaheim, nor will any individual be discriminated against because of his or her association with a person with a disability. Below sets forth basic information regarding accessibility at Grove of Anaheim. Should a guest require accommodations in addition to or other than the accommodations described below while at Grove at Anaheim or should a guest have additional questions or need to speak with a Grove of Anaheim representative, please either email

The company has adopted the W3C WAI Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Level AA as its accessibility standard for all online products and services that the company designs, develops and/or procures, on or after the effective date of this Accessibility Policy. We are working to ensure, to the extent practicable, that new online products and services satisfy Level A and AA Success Criteria set forth in the WCAG 2.0. For pre-existing products and services, the company has already made significant enhancements to the online experience, and it continues to do so.

We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of the Grove of Anaheim website. Please let us know if you encounter accessibility barriers or if you have suggestions on how we might improve the accessibility